Finding a digital hygrometer is easy however, choosing a quality make and model can be a bit confusing. How do you know which one is right for you and your cigar collection?
Easy-To-Ready Digital Cigar Hygrometers
For easy readings of the relative humidity & temperature within your cigar humidor, we have the tools you need. Cigar Star digital cigar hygrometers are extremely accurate, displaying with in  1-2% of the actual true level of humidity in your humidor. Choosing a digital cigar hygrometer offers additional features and functions that are important to any cigar lover as maintaining the relatively humidity in a humidor is key in preserving a cigar’s flavor and quality.  Many digital hygrometers not only read the relative humidity level, but include a thermometer to read temperature inside your humidor.
Accurate Humidity Readings in Cigar Humidors
Digital cigar humidors are known for their accuracy, but did you know all hygrometers, whether analog or digital, can be tested for accuracy? Using the simple salt calibration test, you can calibrate your digital cigar hygrometer. This test ensures any hygrometer  you choose is reading the proper relative humidity inside your cigar humidor.