It’s no secret that cigar lighters are essential for smoking cigars, but what is the best cigar lighter for you?
Butane Lighters
A Butane lighter is a great option to light up your cigar. When you use a butane torch cigar lighter you will find that it is easy to obtain an even burn on the foot of your cigar. This is because the torch will create a high density of heat and flame that will allow for an even burn for your cigars. Cigar lighters work efficiently by making lighting your cigars quick and efficient.
Cigar Matches
Cigar matches also make a great option for lighting one's cigar. Though it may take a bit more time to light the cigar as the heat created from a wood match is much lower than a butane lighter, this method, similar to using a butane lighter, allows you to experience the unique flavor of cigar, without other added chemicals or fumes.
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Using either method is a great way to light your cigar. To create an even burn using both options we recommend rotating the cigar around the flame to create an even burn. Both matches and cigar torch lighters provide a clean fume free flame.