When adding to your collection of cigars, it’s important to preserve their quality by maintaining an optimal relative humidity using cigar humidifiers. By using cigar humidity beads in your Cigar Star humidor, you ensure that your cigars are being stored at the correct humidity, while maintaining the freshness of your cigars.
High-Quality Humidity Beads for Cigars
Humidity beads are a silica-based product that are used to provide humidification control within your cigar humidor. These humidity beads slowly release moisture to increase the relative humidity level inside your humidor when needed, maintaining their freshness and quality. Cigar humidity beads can be used for extended periods of time and depending on the brand of humidor, simply require you to spray or cover with the beads with water. It’s easy to tell when humidor beads require additional water, as they will often change colour.
Shop Cigar Star Humidity Beads
Cigar Star is proud to carry an extensive selection of industry-leading cigar humidifier beads. Browse our extensive selection today.