Cigar Star, providing retailers with great opportunities for quick profitable returns while providing your customers with the highest quality cigar humidors on the market.
Excellent customer service. The Cigar Star brand stands behind each and every product that we manufacture.
Cigar Star products can already been found in retailer locations across North America.
Over 50 humidors to offer your customers, including display glass top humidors, cabinet humidors and end table cigar humidors.
Most of our items are in retail ready packaging that move our products for you. Feel confident knowing that you are supplying your customers with superior quality products.
We ship direct from Ontario Canada. Fast service, attention to detail, outstanding customer service, and quality products are standard.
Cigar Star was founded in 2001. Our Registered trademark brand has been around for over a decade.
Orders to retailers can be shipped within Canada using Courier, approx. 2-5 days for delivery.