From cigar cutters to tools used for opening cigar boxes, we have you covered!
Your cigar cutter is as important as the cigar itself. Whether you prefer to use a cigar punch or a cigar cutter, Cigar Star offers a wide range of unique cigar cutters and tools. Our most popular cigar tools include:
- cigar guillotine cutters
- cigar punch cutters
- and more!
Why Choose a Quality Cigar Cutter?
Having the right cigar cutter is essential to ensure you are getting the most out of your cigars. The objective when cutting a cigar is to create a clean cut and smooth opening for drawing on your cigar, which in turn creates an even burn. Cutting your cigars correctly means that you will have a better drawing and tasting cigar. Ideally, you should cut just about 2 mm off the head of the cigar to avoid unravelling.
Selecting the Best Cigar Cutter Tool
There are several unique styles of cigar cutters to choose from with different shapes and benefits in each option.
Double Guillotine Cigar Cutter
This cigar cutter has blades that are self-sharpening and is considered superior to a single-blade cutter. Double guillotine cigar cutters will maximize your comfort and provide you with the perfect cut cigar every time.
Cigar Punch
Another popular cigar cutter option is a cigar punch. This cigar tool is sure to give you a perfect cigar draw hole every time. To use a cigar punch, you take your cigar and make the tip, or “head”, of the cigar damp. Next you take your cigar punch and slowly screw it side to side until you see 2mm of the punch inside the head of the cigar. Finally, pull the cigar punch out and you should have a perfect draw hole.
Shop Quality Cigar Cutters and Tools
Cigar Star offers a wide range of unique and top-quality cigar cutters and tools to suit any cigar lover's preference and taste. Browse our selection of quality cigar cutters, punches and tools today.