The Nobel 50 Cigar Zebra wood with digital hygrometer Powered By Boveda
Cigar Star humidors are essential for keeping your cigars at their best in both smell and flavor, while aging them perfectly. Medium cigar humidors are a great storing option for cigar lovers who may just be starting out, or even intermediate cigar aficionado's who are starting to grow their cigar collection. Depending on the style of humidor, medium sized cigar humidors will typically store up to 100 cigars.
Quality Medium Cigar Humidors
Cigar Star's medium sized cigar humidors are made using only the highest quality woods and humidor components such as quality hygrometers and locking mechanisms and are designed to perfectly replicate the tropical paradise in which the most exquisite cigars are grown, fermented and rolled.
Shop Medium Humidors
Browse the complete selection of medium cigar humidors from Cigar Star.