Canadian Cigar Star
We have many emails from our US customers asking if our prices are in Canadian or US dollar.
Canadian Cigar Star a Canadian company located in Ontario Canada. Offering unique hand crafted cigar humidors, travel humidors, gift set cigar humidors and cigar starter humidors. We also offer cigar lighters, cigar ashtrays, cigar cases and cigar cutters. Priced in Canadian dollars shipped direct from our warehouse in Brantford Ontario Canada.
We do not make a Canadian cigar. However we manufacture premium quality cigar accessories.
Prices in Canadian dollars it is a huge savings when ordering your cigar humidor from Cigar Star about 32% off for our US customers. Not only do you receive one of the highest quality cigar humidors on the market but you will also enjoy fast expedited shipping to the USA 7-10 days delivery to most US locations with tracking.