How To Tell If Your Cigar Is too Dry Or Too Moist.

Dried Out Cigar

Can you tell if a cigar is too dry or too moist by examining its appearance and feel?

Here are some signs that a cigar may be too dry or too moist:

Signs that a cigar is too dry:

  1. Appearance: The wrapper may look dull, discolored, or brittle, and may crack or split when handled.
  2. Feel: The cigar may feel hard or papery and may not have its normal springiness.
  3. Burn: The cigar may burn unevenly and produce a hot, harsh smoke.
  4. Draw: The cigar may be difficult to draw, or may produce a loose, airy draw.

Dry cigars have the worst flavor, only thing worse than a dry cigar? A over humidified cigars……

Dried Out Cigar


Signs that a cigar is too moist:

  1. Appearance: The wrapper may look shiny or greasy, and may have an irregular appearance.
  2. Feel: The cigar may feel soft or spongy and may not have its normal firmness.

3.Burn: The cigar may canoe (burn down one side) or tunnel (burn a hole down the center), and may produce a heavy, wet smoke.

  1. Draw: The cigar may be difficult to draw, or may produce a tight, restricted draw.

It’s important to store your cigars in a well-maintained humidor to keep them at the proper relative humidity and temperature.

If your cigars are too dry or too moist, you can try re-humidifying them using a humidification system, or by simply storing them in a properly humidified environment. Keep in mind that cigars should be stored between 64-70% relative humidity.

With time and proper storage, the cigars should return to their optimal condition.

Cigar Star provides an array of cigar storage humidors.