Unraveling the Smoke Screen: Lies You’ve Been Told About Premium Cigars

Premium cigar

Premium Cigars - Unraveling the Smoke Screen

Lies You've Been Told About


In the world of premium cigars, there exists a mystique, a culture, and unfortunately, a fair share of myths. For many, the allure of a premium cigar lies not just in the smoke it produces but also in the stories and traditions surrounding it.

However, amidst the romanticism, there are falsehoods perpetuated that distort the perception of these prized smokes. Let's delve into the smoke screen and debunk some of the prevalent lies you may have been told about premium cigars.

Premium Cigars - Expensive Means Better Quality

  1. One of the most common misconceptions is that the higher the price tag, the better the cigar. While it's true that premium cigars often come with a heftier price, it doesn't always correlate with superior quality. Several factors contribute to a cigar's cost, including branding, packaging, and taxes. Some lesser-known brands produce exceptional cigars at a fraction of the cost of more renowned labels. The key is to explore and find cigars that align with your taste preferences rather than solely relying on price.
  2. Dark Wrappers Are Stronger: Another prevalent myth is that the darker the wrapper, the stronger the cigar. While wrapper color can offer hints about the flavor profile, it's not a reliable indicator of strength. The strength of a cigar depends on various factors, including the blend of tobacco leaves used in the filler and binder. For instance, a Maduro wrapper may indeed impart rich, bold flavors, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's overpowering. Conversely, a lighter-colored Connecticut wrapper can deliver a mild yet flavorful smoking experience. It's essential to explore different cigars across the spectrum to discover your preferences.
  3. Age Doesn't Matter: Contrary to popular belief, age matters significantly when it comes to cigars. Aging allows the flavors to meld and mellow, resulting in a smoother and more nuanced smoking experience. Many enthusiasts invest in aging their cigars, storing them in humidors for months or even years before enjoying them. However, not all cigars benefit from extensive aging, and there's a delicate balance between aging and over-aging, which can lead to flavor degradation. It's advisable to research individual cigars and seek guidance from seasoned aficionados on optimal aging periods.

Cuban Cigars Are Always the Best

Cuban Cigars with cigar cutter

The allure of Cuban cigars is undeniable, often hailed as the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship. However, the notion that Cuban cigars are always superior to their non-Cuban counterparts is a fallacy. While Cuba boasts a rich cigar heritage and produces some exceptional smokes, quality control inconsistencies and availability issues have led to the rise of equally impressive cigars from regions like Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and Honduras. The best cigar is ultimately subjective and varies based on personal taste preferences.

You Must Inhale: Unlike cigarettes, cigars are not meant to be inhaled. Inhaling cigar smoke can lead to adverse health effects and diminish the enjoyment of the flavors. Instead, cigar aficionados savour the flavors by drawing the smoke into their mouths, allowing it to linger on the palate before exhaling. This technique enhances the tasting experience, allowing for the appreciation of the cigar's complexity without the need for inhalation.

In conclusion, the world of premium cigars is steeped in tradition, craftsmanship, and a dash of mystery. However, separating fact from fiction is essential to fully appreciate and enjoy these revered smokes. By dispelling common myths and exploring the diverse landscape of cigars, enthusiasts can embark on a journey of discovery, refining their palate and deepening their appreciation for this timeless pastime.

So, the next time you reach for a premium cigar, remember to question the smoke screen and embrace the truth within the smoke rings.