Elevate Father’s Day with the Best Cigar Tools of 2024

cigar torch lighter with cigar punch

Father’s Day Best Cigar Gifts / Tools of 2024

Father’s Day is a special occasion to honor the paternal figures in our lives, and what better way to celebrate than by indulging in the timeless pleasure of enjoying a fine cigar?
For cigar aficionados, having the right tools can enhance the entire experience, from the cut to the light and beyond.
In 2024, the world of cigar accessories has seen innovations that combine tradition with modern convenience, making the perfect gift for any discerning dad.
Let’s explore the best cigar tools that will elevate Father’s Day gifting to a whole new level this year.

Fathers day best cigar gifts, Precision Cutters:

The art of cutting a cigar is crucial to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable smoke. Cutters can also be a focus item.
Furthermore, your cutter is never just a cutter.
Precision cutters have evolved significantly over the years, offering sleek designs and precise cuts that enhance the smoking experience.
In 2024, electric cigar cutters have gained popularity for their effortless operation and consistency.
These cutters feature sharp blades and ergonomic designs, allowing dads to achieve the perfect cut with ease.
Brands like XIKAR and Colibri offer a range of cutters that cater to different preferences and budgets.
Cigar Star brings you all of these same features without the heavy price tag. Much like our Revo Spring Loaded V Cigar Cutter with dual built in cigar punches below.

Best V cut cigar cutter and punch comb

 Stylish Lighters

A reliable lighter is essential for igniting a cigar with finesse, not to mention ease.
While traditional butane lighters remain popular, innovative designs have emerged in 2024, combining style with functionality.
Plasma lighters, in particular, have become a favorite among cigar enthusiasts for their windproof and flameless technology.
These lighters produce a powerful arc that can effortlessly light a cigar in any environment, making them ideal for outdoor gatherings or travel.
Brands like S.T. Dupont and Prometheus offer luxurious plasma lighters crafted from premium materials, making them a sophisticated Father’s Day gift choice.
Cigar Star has introduced a couple new lighters in 2024 playing off the Ornate series. This cigar lighter not only looks luxury, to be honest the are made from premium materials, well balanced and extremely reliable.
cigar torch lighter with cigar punch

 Humidity Control Devices

Maintaining the ideal humidity level is crucial for preserving the flavor and quality of cigars.
Humidity control devices have evolved beyond traditional humidors, offering advanced features that ensure precise humidity regulation.
In 2024, smart humidors equipped with Wi-Fi connectivity and mobile apps have gained popularity for their convenience and monitoring capabilities.
These humidors allow dads to monitor humidity levels remotely and receive alerts if adjustments are needed, ensuring that their cigar collection always remains in perfect condition.
Brands like Cigar Oasis and Boveda offer a range of smart humidors and humidity packs that cater to different storage needs.
Cigar Star offers Boveda packs as standard humidity devices inside our Limited Edition Humidors and have been in partnership with Boveda since 2018.
Cigar Star also offers what some will say a better alternative than any humidifier on the market with over 20 years of research manufacturing humidors, in 2024 we have released our best humidifier design to date.
Using polymer crystals and our very own molded housing our humidifiers will outlast all the rest on the market.
Large magnets with metal plates make mounting these premium cigar humidifiers a breeze.

Cigar Ashtrays

An elegant ashtray is the perfect accessory to complement a relaxing cigar-smoking experience.
In 2024, cigar ashtrays have undergone a transformation, with designs that reflect both style and functionality.
Luxury ashtrays crafted from materials such as crystal, marble, and stainless steel are coveted for their aesthetic appeal and durability.
Innovative features like cigar rests and deep bowls for ash collection add practicality to these decorative pieces, making them a thoughtful Father’s Day gift for cigar enthusiasts.
Brands like Davidoff and Elie Bleu offer a stunning selection of ashtrays that elevate any smoking environment. If you don’t mind spending several hundreds of dollars for an ashtray.

Travel Cases

For dads who enjoy cigars on the go, a high-quality travel case is essential for protecting cigars while maintaining their freshness.
In 2024, cigar travel cases have evolved to offer enhanced durability and portability, ensuring that cigars remain safe and secure during travel.
Leather travel cases with cedar lining are popular choices for their classic style and ability to maintain humidity levels.
Some cases feature built-in cutters and lighters, providing all-in-one convenience for cigar aficionados on the move.
CIgar Star offers your dad the Aficionados case, it holds everything you need.
Handmade using full-grain, genuine cow hide leather and contained by the industry leading YKK metal zipper, this product is not only convenient, but acts as a statement piece.
Rugged yet distinguished. offer a range of travel cases that combine functionality with sophistication, making them an ideal Father’s Day gift for dads with a passion for cigars.
full grain leather cigar case
This Father’s Day, show your appreciation for the cigar-loving dads in your life with the gift of premium cigar tools.
From precision cutters to stylish lighters and advanced humidors, the world of cigar accessories offers endless possibilities for elevating the smoking experience.
Whether it’s a sleek plasma lighter or a smart humidor with Wi-Fi connectivity, the best cigar tools of 2024 combine innovation with tradition to create unforgettable moments of indulgence.
So why not make this Father’s Day truly special with a gift that celebrates the timeless pleasure of enjoying a fine cigar?

Executive Edge Humidor

glass top cigar humidor

3 drawer Executive edge cigar humidor