Why Are Butane Lighters Preferred For Lighting Cigars?
 Why a butane lighter is preferred for lighting cigars is because using paper matches or a candle or a lighter that uses naphtha produces chemicals and odors that may affect the taste and flavor of tobacco. Even when using a long wooden cigar match, one has to wait until the sulfur of the matchstick burns off, before lighting the cigar. This makes butane lighter the ideal choice for lighting cigars.
Why butane lighters?
- The flame
In a butane lighter, liquid butane is housed in a pressurized chamber. Once the liquid butane is released, it passes through the nozzle in a narrow stream of gas. This gas is ignited by means of a flint striking the steel. Some high-end butane lighters come with a button that when pressed compress a piezoelectric crystal to generate a voltaic arc that ignites the gas.
Our newest Cigar Star butane lighter uses high-pressure injection technology that provides a perfect flame to light up a cigar.
Why butane gas is ideal for lighters is because it turns to liquid on compressing and returns to gas form when the pressure is reduced. A butane lighter, like a candle, draws only as much liquid butane it needs to maintain the flame. This preserves the fuel in the tank.
A butane lighter comes with a flame adjustable, self-locking switch. It provides a hotter flame that is not only capable of easily lighting a cigar but can also be used for minor welding or melting. Most butane lighters offer a burning time of 20 to 40 minutes, depending upon the size of the gas tank. Typically, the length of its flame ranges from 20 millimeters to 65 millimeters.
Cigar Star Butane Torch Lighter
- The body
The body of a butane lighter is made wind proof and it burns cleaner. Since the lighter requires a low-pressure tank, its plastic parts are ultrasonically welded together. The butane tank is sealed by means of a metal ball. A mechanism is put in place to ensure the release of a constant stream of gas. This provides a steady flame of the desired length.
The flint used for igniting the gas strikes against a ‘spark wheel’ made of serrated and hardened steel wire to produce the flame. The flint is kept in contact with the spark wheel by means of a spring. The mechanism to open and close the gas vent uses a ‘fork’ that needs pressure to remain open. When the fork is pulled with a finger, it releases the gas and at the same time activates the flint to strike and ignite the gas.
Some butane lighters are also equipped with steel caps that act as a shield against heat and also mix air with butane, thus diluting it.
A butane lighter is the most convenient device for lighting a cigar. This is because it does not release any chemicals or odor that affects the taste and flavor of the cigar. Care needs to be taken in handling this lighter because of its powerful flame. It should always be kept out of reach of children.