In 2017 Cigar Star united a partnership with the leader in two-way humidity control, Boveda, to create top-quality, limited-edition humidors for cigar collectors.
Because our humidors are airtight, they can preserve the cigars inside for decades under the correct humidity conditions. Our humidors now come with the patented Boveda for precise two-way humidity control, ensuring that your cigars stay fresh and flavorful for longer.
Rob Gagner Unveils Cigar Star’s Limited-Edition Cigar Humidors
Cigar Star is happy to partner with Boveda by having the world leader in precise two-way humidity control inside our Limited Edition Humidors.
Furthermore, when it comes to ease and peace of mind with proper humidity inside your humidor our partnership was an easy one to make.
Why would you choose any other option for luxury style and quality humidity control?