How Canadian Winters Impact Relative Humidity in Your Home and Cigar Humidor

Winters Impact Relative Humidity in Your Home and Cigar Humidor

Winters Impact Relative Humidity in Your Home and Cigar Humidor

For cigar aficionados, maintaining the ideal relative humidity in a cigar humidor becomes an added challenge in winter!

One aspect that often goes overlooked in winter is the impact on relative humidity (RH) within homes and for cigar enthusiasts, within their prized cigar humidors.

As winter blankets Canada in a snowy embrace residents brace themselves for the cold crisp air that defines the season. While the landscapes and outdoor activities are celebrated the winter chill can have sub dual yet significant effects on indoor environments.

Understanding relative humidity:

Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of moisture in the air relative to the maximum amount it could hold at a specific temperature.

It is expressed as a percentage, and maintaining an optimal level of RH is crucial for various reasons, including comfort, health, and the preservation of certain items, such as cigars.

The winter challenge:

Canadian winters are notorious for their bone chilling temperatures, and the cold air that infiltrates homes can be quite dry.

As indoor heating systems kick into high gear, they further contribute to the reduction of relative humidity levels. This low humidity can lead to a range of issues, from dry skin, to respiratory discomfort to potential damage to wooden furniture and musical instruments.

For cigar aficionados, maintaining the ideal relative humidity in a cigar humidor becomes an added challenge!

Proper humidification systems like using humidifiers can help mitigate these effects and create a more comfortable indoor environment.

Wood furnishings:

What is susceptible to changes in humidity. Low humidity can cause wood to contract, leading to cracks and warping.

Effects on cigar humidors:

Cigars are best preserved in a specific RH level, usually around 60% to 70%. Fluctuations outside this range can affect the flavor, burn, and overall quality of the cigars.

Humidification devices in humidors need to work harder in the winter to maintain the desired RH, and users should monitor humidity levels more frequently.

Cost-effective humidification devices in our store

Preventing mold:

In excessively dry conditions, cigars can become overly brittle, while too much humidity can lead to mold growth.

Regularly check and adjust the humidification system to prevent these extremes and maintain a healthy balance.

Cigar Star has created the most cost-effective humidification device with our polymer crystal transparent humidifiers.

Place your humidor away from direct heat sources and sunlight.

Add a couple Boveda packs to regulate the RH inside your humidor when used in conjunction with one of our polymer crystal humidifiers this takes away a lot of the heavy lifting. (Boveda packs are two-way humidification pack using simple science and chemistry.)

This Canadians embrace the beauty of winter, it's crucial to be mindful of the impact this season can have on indoor humidity.

Whether it's for personal comfort or the preservation of prized possessions like cigars, taking steps to maintain humidity level ensures a healthier more enjoyable winter experience.

So, as the snow falls outside, create a cozy haven inside, where both you and your cigars can thrive.