How to calibrate your new digital hygrometer.
After years of searching for the most reliable digital hygrometer. Cigar Star has finally been able to provide the most accurate digital hygrometer on the market.
Our new Star Precision digital hygrometer and thermometer is a precise unit that measures relative humidity in temperature inside your humidor.
This gives you Peace of Mind knowing that your cigars are resting in the perfect environment.
Inside humidor with the ideal relative humidity for your cigars.
Our digital meets analog is a unique design that gives you a digital readout with a bit of an analog style. Temperature is displayed underneath relative humidity readout.
What makes this digital hygrometer so precise is the ability to calibrate the hygrometer to the precise relative humidity readout.
Our new digital meets analog hygrometer comes with instructions on how to calibrate, although with all instructions they seem to get tossed aside or lost.
Therefore, we have created a step by step video to simplify the process on how to calibrate your new digital hygrometer.